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Video Shows White Woman Tell Black Man To ‘Go Back To The Jungle,’ Cops To Shoot ‘Homeless Black People’

todayAugust 13, 2024 5

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Source: YouTube screenshot

We all know that the true danger of the Karen is that these white women who have had a lifetime of damsel-in-distress training often seek to weaponize police violence against the Black and brown people they’re seeking to victimize while playing the victim.

Recently, a new video started circling social media that shows the ultimate Karen: a white woman who appeared to be reporting a crime at a Los Angeles police station berating police officers because they don’t shoot enough Black people.

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Not only that but when the Black man who was recording the video confronted her about her violent racism, she eventually removed any doubt that she was, indeed, racist—not that there was any reasonable or logical doubt to begin with—by telling the Black man to “go back to the jungle” and “go back to Africa.”

“You know what a—hole, if I didn’t have to see people at the hospital like you, I’d let them die!” the woman, who is apparently a healthcare professional, is heard saying to the Black man, who she appears to assume is an illegal immigrant for some reason.

The officer behind the desk challenged the Karen in healthKKKare on her anti-Black racism, which must have been jarring for her since you just know she was expecting to be able to use the cops as her own personal negro removers, which is likely why she lashed out at the police for not using their service weapons to commit extrajudicial executions.

“You guys can’t confirm these people and get them off the street!” she said. “That’s right! You can’t! ’Cause you’re just sitting here!”

“What’s your gun for? What’s your gun for?” she continued while flailing her arms like she was trying to flag down slave catchers to apprehend a runaway.

She even claimed she would have shot whoever she was reporting on if she had a gun before saying to an officer of the law, “That’s right! That’s right! You don’t know how to use your gun, sir! You guys are all just sitting here!”

The footage skips ahead to the would-be Killer Karen Kop getting more specific about who she appeared to want police officers to shoot on sight, describing them as “the druggie, homeless Black people that roam around here,” and claiming “they’re vandalizing cars” and accusing the cops of “letting these people stay here” and “loitering” as opposed to, you know, murdering them or whatever.

That’s when the Black man recording her got loud and drew her ire.

“She wants to shoot homeless people,” he shouted.

“Sir, it’s none of your f—king business!” Karen exploded.

“It is my business, you dumb b—ch,” he shot back. “Shut your mouth!”

“It’s none of your f—king business!” she repeated.

You can kind of tell the Black man had been holding back for a while and simply reached a breaking point as this white woman speaking to a police officer ranted about how they needed to deal with the city’s Black homeless problem by emptying out the magazines of their pistols—which is why he proceeded to roast the hell out of her.

“Well, you’re here in public talking, so I’ll speak up,” the man said. “That’s why you look like a …slob. Look at you. You literally look like a slob. Get your s—t together, lady. You look disgusting. You’re just miserable. No wonder you’re miserable, look at you. You’re shaped like an apple with little skinny legs. You look like… You know what? Look at you, you’re f—king broke! You’re broke. Your life sucks.”

Now, some folks are going to argue the Black man took it too far with the body-shaming and heated berating of the woman he did, but, hey, confronting a violent white supremacist is a tricky thing to do cordially. Either way, the white woman was cleary having trouble keeping up, which is why she resorted to the most generic attack racists use when they’re struggling to be clever.

“Go back to the jungle! Go back to the jungle!” KKKaren screamed almost frantically. “Go back to Africa! Go back to Africa! Go back to the jungle!”

The back-and-forth continues for about another minute, with the Black man telling the woman she looked “disgusting” and “filthy” and the woman continuing to shout, “Go back to the jungle” and, “Go back to Africa” until she finally left and the video ended.

Neither the Black man nor the white woman have been publicly identified, but someone posting from the X account “Film The Police LA,” posted screenshots of the woman under the caption, “Anyone know this racist that told me to go back to the jungle?”

Seems she may work at a hospital:

“If didn’t have to see people at the hospital like you Id let them die.”

— Film The Police LA (@FilmThePoliceLA) August 6, 2024

It’s a pretty rare thing that Karens are so unaware of themselves that they blatantly reveal to police officers her intent to have them shoot and kill Black people, but here we are.

If only cops could start taking them off the streets—without killing them if at all possible, of course.


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The post Video Shows White Woman Tell Black Man To ‘Go Back To The Jungle,’ Cops To Shoot ‘Homeless Black People’ appeared first on NewsOne.

The post Video Shows White Woman Tell Black Man To ‘Go Back To The Jungle,’ Cops To Shoot ‘Homeless Black People’ appeared first on Black America Web.

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