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Language, no matter which one, is our verbal way of communicating daily. With approximately 7,164 languages spoken throughout the entire world, there are 5 languages that are the most widely spoken. English (1,456+ million speakers), Mandarin (1,118+ million speakers), Hindi (602+ million speakers), Spanish (548+ million speakers) and French (310+ million), as provided by, are the popular languages on planet earth. In the 3 countries of North America there are 3 main languages spoken; English, Spanish and French. In comparison to the 54 countries on the continent of Africa where there are thousands of native languages spoken.
Learn More About The 54 Countries of Africa
Portuguese is a language that originated in Portugal but only about 5% percentage of its population speaks Portuguese as their native language. Portuguese is spoken by about 3.3% of the world’s population. Due to the unfortunate history of colonialism, there are countries who were colonized by Portugal and forced to adapt to its languages, cultures and customs. Even after gaining back their independence, the countries in Africa listed below have Portuguese as an official language along with many locally indigenous languages.
Angola is one of the countries located in the central region of the continent of Africa. Portuguese is the official language of this country but the most widely spoken indigenous languages are Umbundu, Kimbundu and Kikongo. Learn more about Angola by clicking here.
Cabo Verde is one of the island countries of the continent of Africa. Portuguese is the official language of this country but the most commonly spoken language is Crioulo also known as Cape Verdean Creole. Learn more about Cabo Verde by clicking here.
Guinea-Bissau is located in the western region of the continent of Africa. Portuguese is the official language of this country but other languages spoken in this country include; Pulaar, Maninka, Susu and Kiriol. Learn more about Guinea-Bissau by clicking here.
Mozambique is one of the island countries of the continent of Africa. Portuguese is the official language of this country but a few of the most commonly spoken languages include; Makhuwa, Changana, Nyanja, Ndau, Sena, Chwabo, and Tswa. Learn more about Mozambique by clicking here.
São Tomé and Príncipe is one of the island countries of the continent of Africa. Portuguese is the official language of this country and the most widely spoken. Learn more about São Tomé and Príncipe by clicking here.
Also See:
African Countries With Spanish As An Official Language
African Countries With English As An Official Language
African Countries With French As An Official Language
African Countries With Arabic As An Official Language
African Countries With Swahili As An Official Language
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